Peptide therapy is an innovative medical treatment that can help patients suffering from age-related declines in growth hormone production. At Thrive HRT in Minneapolis, OR, we specialize in the careful evaluation and personalized peptide treatment plans to help our patients regain strength, energy, cognitive ability, and more.

What is Peptide Therapy?

Peptide therapy utilizes short chains of amino acids, called peptides, to naturally stimulate the body's own production of vital substances like human growth hormone (HGH). As we age, our bodies often produce less HGH and other hormones, resulting in:

  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Reduction in bone density
  • Weight gain
  • Lack of energy/fatigue
  • Poor sleep
  • Mental fog/lapses in memory and focus

Peptide therapy works to counteract many of these effects, helping patients restore hormonal balance, cellular communication, metabolic processes, and more.

At Thrive HRT in Minneapolis, experienced medical providers carefully evaluate each patient to determine optimal, personalized peptide therapy regimens utilizing medications that are only available by prescription.

Common areas we provide peptide treatment for include:

Our Services

Anti-aging & Health Optimization

Peptide therapy can help counteract many effects of aging, supporting:

  • Increased fat burning & lean muscle gain
  • Sharper mental clarity & focus
  • Deeper, more restful sleep
  • Improved mood & sense of well-being
  • Healthier hair, skin & nails
  • Enhanced libido & sexual performance
  • Improved metabolic factors

Injury Recovery & Performance Enhancement

For athletes or those engaging in physical activities suffering from injuries or wanting to improve performance, peptide therapy provides similar benefits as anabolic steroids, but without negative side effects. Peptides can accelerate:

  • Muscle growth
  • Fat loss
  • Endurance
  • Healing from injuries

Neuroprotective Support

Peptide therapy shows promise for protecting neurological function, especially important for those at risk of cognitive decline. Peptides are being studied as possible treatments for:

  • Memory loss
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Other neurodegenerative disorders

At Thrive HRT, your personalized peptide therapy regimen will be carefully designed to meet your unique health and wellness goals.

Why Consider Peptide Therapy?

Unlike synthetic hormone replacement options, bioidentical peptide therapy works naturally with your body's existing processes.

Potential benefits include:

  • Increased energy levels
  • Improved strength & endurance
  • Enhanced sexual function
  • Better mood & mental clarity
  • Deeper, more restorative sleep
  • Accelerated injury healing
  • Healthier metabolic profile

Peptide therapy also shows promise for retaining lean muscle mass, supporting weight management, reducing inflammation, protecting brain function, and more.

For those struggling with the effects of hormonal decline, peptide therapy offers new hope. Under properly supervised medical care, most patients can experience remarkable improvements in quality of life.

Supporting Overall Health and Function

Restoring hormonal balance positively impacts almost every bodily system and process, including:


  • Improved blood pressure
  • Healthier cholesterol profile
  • Decreased arterial plaque


  • Reduced belly fat
  • Improved insulin sensitivity
  • Better blood sugar regulation


  • Increased lean muscle mass
  • Improved bone mineral density
  • Decreased joint pain


  • Sharper memory
  • Improved concentration/focus
  • Elevated mood & motivation


  • Thicker hair
  • Plumper skin
  • Stronger nails

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

The first step is identifying any underlying hormone deficiencies. At Thrive HRT, this involves blood tests measuring levels of:

Hormone Description
Growth hormone (HGH) Regulates growth and metabolism
Thyroid (T3, T4) Controls metabolism and energy
Testosterone Impacts muscle mass, libido, and more
Estrogen Regulates reproductive function and bone density
Cortisol Manages stress response and inflammation
Vitamin D Essential for bone health and immune function
DHEA Precursor hormone for testosterone and estrogen

Reference ranges help determine optimal zones for each hormone based on age and gender. Even subtle drops below ideal ranges can result in bothersome symptoms.

Common Signs of HGH Deficiency

While individual symptoms vary, decreased HGH production often manifests as:


  • Muscle loss
  • Decreased stamina
  • Excess belly fat
  • Hair thinning
  • Reduced collagen


  • Poor memory
  • Lack of focus
  • Low motivation

Whole Body

  • Persistent fatigue
  • Poor sleep quality
  • Low libido
  • Emotional changes
  • Bone loss

Careful testing helps identify the exact cause(s) behind non-specific complaints, revealing opportunities for targeted treatment.

Peptide Therapy Protocols

Once deficient hormones are identified, we design a personalized peptide therapy regimen to restore optimal balance.

Getting Started

The starting protocol helps the body adjust to increasing hormone levels, monitoring progress to ensure treatments remain safe and effective.

Follow-up blood tests track improvements, guiding modifications to maintain positive trajectory. Open communication ensures all aspects of the protocol align with your unique treatment goals.

We utilize only high-quality peptides sourced directly from U.S. compounding pharmacies for safety and efficacy.

Long-Term Management

Peptide therapy requires an ongoing partnership between provider and patient to ensure continual care as the body's needs evolve.

Treatment plans are updated periodically based on patient feedback and lab results, adjusting dosages, delivery methods, or medications as needed.

At Thrive HRT, we make every effort to maximize treatment benefits while minimizing cost and inconvenience.

Thrive HRT Peptide Therapy Specialists

Our clinic focuses specifically on hormone balance and peptide therapies. With extensive advanced training, we help patients achieve life-changing results.

Why Choose Thrive HRT?

Convenient Location - Our Minneapolis clinic offers easy access for those in the Twin Cities metro and surrounding communities.

Personalized Care – Each patient receives customized treatment plans tailored to their unique health profile and goals.

Leading Specialists – Our medical providers complete advanced education in age management, regenerative medicine, and specialty areas like peptide therapy.

State-of-the-Art Protocols – We continually monitor advancements in peptide science, providing patients access to the latest anti-aging and restorative treatments.

Compliance Support – To help patients follow their regimen properly, we offer convenient coaching and amenities like:

  • Easy online scheduling
  • Text/email reminders
  • After-hours support
  • Mobile injection service

The Importance of Timely Treatment

Age-related hormone decline is an inevitable part of aging. But through proactive testing and early intervention, many detrimental effects can be reduced or reversed.

Identifying deficiencies sooner optimizes treatment response, supporting patient goals like:

  • Halting muscle loss
  • Improving body composition
  • Sharpening mental acuity
  • Enhancing performance
  • Accelerating injury recovery

Therefore, we recommend adults consider periodic hormone testing - starting around age 35 for men and 40 for women. This establishes baseline ranges early, tracking changes over time.

Proactive management preserves health, function, and quality of life at any age. Our goal is equipping patients to thrive now and into the future.

Peptide Therapy Showing Life-Changing Results

At Thrive HRT, we've seen many patients achieve truly amazing improvements through individualized peptide therapy.

Here are a few examples of actual patients who've experienced dramatic benefits:

Robert D, Age 68

"I was shocked when my doctor said my testosterone levels were low. But suddenly it made sense why I felt so lousy - tired all the time, just going through the motions. I had no motivation. My wife and I weren't intimate like we used to be. I was only 68 but felt like an old man. After starting peptide therapy, I started feeling like myself again for the first time in years - energetic, strong, eager to get out and do things. And my wife agrees things are definitely looking up in other areas too! I can't believe I have so much vitality back. I'm so grateful I got tested and treated. I've got my life back!"

Janice P, Age 63

"Menopause hit me hard - hot flashes, weight gain, mind fog. I had trouble remembering names and just didn't feel as sharp. As an accountant, I need my brain! Plus, I was tired of my slow metabolism. My friend told me about peptide therapy. After about three weeks, my hot flashes calmed down. Then over the next couple of months, I dropped two dress sizes without really trying. I sleep better and can concentrate at work again. My doctor tweaks my treatment every six months to keep everything optimal. I should have done this years ago!"

Tyler B, Age 44

"As an aging athlete, it gets harder recovering from tough workouts, and nagging injuries slow me down. I worried declining testosterone was hampering my performance. Since starting peptide therapy, my race times have improved, strength is up, and I don't dread Monday training after long weekends anymore. My knees and shoulder feel better than they have in years. My wife jokes she wishes she had as much energy as I do!"

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What types of peptides do you offer?

A: Some of our most common peptide therapies include Sermorelin, Ipamorelin, BPC-157, TB-500, PT-141, Tesamorelin, and others. The right medication depends on your unique situation and goals.

Q: How long until I feel results?

A: Most patients notice subtle improvements in energy, sleep, aches/pains, mental clarity, and libido within the first 2-4 weeks. More significant changes in body composition and fitness gains build over the ensuing months.

Q: What are possible side effects?

A: When properly administered under medical guidance, peptide therapy rarely causes side effects. Occasionally, patients report mild stomach upset, headaches, irritability, or changes in appetite for the first 1-2 weeks.


Peptide therapy offers a safe and effective way to combat the effects of age-related hormone decline. By working with the specialists at Thrive HRT, you can restore optimal hormone balance, improve overall health and well-being, and achieve a better quality of life. Schedule a consultation today to learn how peptide therapy can benefit you.

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